Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Energy & Environment

A dynamic hub of green renewable energy activity

Whether it's called 'greentech' or 'cleantech,' the Toronto Region is dynamic hub of activity in the renewable energy and environment sectors.  Strong public interest, innovative government programs and a diverse industrial base form a vibrant green economy.  More than 36,000 employees in over 1,700 companies provide alternative energy and cleantech products and services across a wide range of sub-sectors, including: air/gasses, biomass, electricity, fuels, hydrogen, nuclear, solar, water, wind, and waste.


    * Located on the shores of  the Great Lakes - the world's largest fresh water source
    * 1.8 million acre Greenbelt is an area of permanently protected green space, farmland, vibrant communities, forests, wetlands, and watersheds
    * Cost-competitive base of operations with first-class business and financial services infrastructure
    * Critical mass of green sector professionals specializing in energy, environment, strategy, green buildings and marketing consulting
    * World-class advanced manufacturing and R&D capacity, including alternative energy research and innovative cleantech products
    * Political leadership around sustainability and commitment to large-scale infrastructure spending that will serve as catalysts for expanding greentech manufacturing
    * Rich green social capital built around a vibrant not-for-profit, association, research and advocacy sector.

Greentech Initiatives

The Toronto Region is home to numerous initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and economic development.  These projects involve a range of partners including business, government and nonprofit organizations. The Ontario Green Energy Act and regional government programs and policies also support the growing green economy in Ontario.

Click here for a list of greentech projects and programs.

Research in alternative energy

Internationally-recognized universities advance renewable energy research and environmental technologies research. These research facilities are the source of Innovative green technologies and products that fuels this burgeoning cleantech sector. They also produce a well-educated and highly-skilled workforce. Leading institutes that focus on cleantech innovation, energy research and development and environmental research and technology include:

The Centre of Excellence for Earth and Environmental Technologies facilitates the development and execution of environmental research that drives commercially viable outcomes contributing to clean air, water, land, and smart infrastructures

World-class energy research facilities at the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE) include the new Centre for Advanced Photovoltaic Devices and Systems (CAPDS) 

McMaster Institute for Energy Studies (MIES) offers innovative programs in photovoltaics, solar, wind, fuel cells, nuclear energy and conservation and energy modeling

University of Toronto Centre for Emerging Energy Technologies focuses on commercialization of emerging  energy technologies, including fuel cells and renewable energy sources

The pioneering Guelph Institute for the Environment (GIE) link researchers, communities and policy makers to address 21st century environmental problems

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